Grain Size Distribution, Liquid, Plastic And Shrinkage Limit

 SOIL MECHANICS( Chapter 3) 

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  • Coefficient of uniformity = D60/D10

  • Coefficient of curvature =(D30)^2/( D10*D60) 
Where, grain diameter at 60% passing,
            grain diameter at 30% passing,
            grain diameter at 10% passing.
  • When, 1<Cc<3 and Cu> 4 then, that is Gravel.
  •  Cu> 6 for sand.
  • Cu= 1 for uniformity soil or poor graded soil.
1. Liquid Limit- The boundary of water content between the liquid state and plastic state is called Liquid Limit.
2. Plastic Limit- The boundary of Water content between plastic state to semisolid state is called Plastic Limit.
3. Shrinkage Limit-  The boundary of Water content between plastic state to semisolid state is called Shrinkage Limit.
  • Liquid Limit = WL, Plastic Limit = Wp 
  • V1 = Volume of soil mass at Liquid limit.
  • Vp = Volume of soil mass at plastic limit.
  • Vd = Volume of soil mass at Shrinkage Limit.
  • Vs = Volume of the solid.
1. Plasticity Index(Ip)- 
    Ip = WL- Wp , For course grain soils, Ip = 0.

2. Consistency Index or Relative Consistency (Ic)- 
    Ic = (WL - WN)/ Ip            Where, WN = Natural water content.
     For WN = WL , then Ic = 0.
     And WN= Wp , then Ic = 1.
     Whem Ic< 0 , Natural water content of soil(WN) > WL.
     Ic > 1, Soil very hard or stiff.

3. Liquidity Index(IL)- 
    IL = (WN- WP)/Ip

4. Flow Index(f)-
    f = ( W1-W2)/ log(N2/N1)

5. Toughness Index(IT)-
    IT = Ip/If                  0 <IT< 3

6. Shrinkage Ratio(SR)-
 SR = ((V1- V2)/Vd*100)/(W1-W2)
 V1 = Volume of soil mass at moisture content W1%.
V2 = Volume of soil mass at moisture content W2%.
Vd = Volume of dry soil mass.

7. Relative Index or Density Index(Dr)-
    Dr = (Emax - E)/(Emax - Emin)
    Emax = void ratio at loosest state.
    Emin = void ratio at densest state.

8. Activity- 
Activity of clay = Plasticity Index/ % of clay.

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