Soil Types and Formation


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Soil is the uncemented deposits of mineral and organic particles covering large portion of the earth's crust.There should be different types of materials like boulder, sand, gravel, clays, silts etc.The soil can form in different ways.
1. Residual Soil- The product of rock weathering are still located at the place of the origin. 
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                                                                             RESIDUAL SOIL
2. Transported Soil- When the soil transported from it's place of origin by wind, water, ice or           any other agency.
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3. Alluvial soil- The type of soil is deposited from suspension in running water.
4. Lacustrine Soil- This type of soil is deposited from suspension in still, fresh water of lake.
5. Marine Soil- This type of soil is deposited from suspension in sea water.
6. Aeolian Soil- This type of soil is transported by wind.
7. Glacial Soil- This type of soil is transported by ice.
8. Loess- This is deposit of windblown silt that has been weakly cemented with calcium carbonate and montmorillonite.

9. Bentontie- A chemical weathered volcanic ash. 

10. Peat- A highly organic soil, fibrous and highly compressible.

11. Muck- A mixer of fine particles, inorganic soil and black decomposed organic matter.

12. Colluvial soil- The accumulation of rock debris or talus at the base of a steep cliff or a rock escarpment due to action of gravity.

13. Marl- A very fine grained calcium carbonated soil of marine origine.

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