Most Important Interview Questions for Civil Engineers


1. What is the field test of Cement?

  • DATE OF PACKING- The strength of the cement reduce due to age. So, the date of manufacturing of  cement bag should be checked.
  • RUBBING TESTWhen cement is touched or rubbed in between fingers, it should give a smooth feeling. If it felt rough, it indicates adulteration with sand.
  • PRESENCE OF LUMPS- The cement should be free from any hard lumps.
  • FLOAT TEST- If a small quantity of cement is thrown in a bucket of water, the particles should float for some time before it sinks.
  • COLOUR TEST-  The colour of cement should be uniform grey colour with a light greenish shade.
  • TEMPERATURE TEST-  If hand is inserted in a bag of cement ,it should feel cool.

2. What is the field test of sand?

  • Take a jar of water and add some quantity of sand in it. Then shake it continuously and allow it to settle. If clay is present in sand, it will form a distinct layer at the top of sand.
  • If we add sand to the solution of sodium hydroxide or caustic soda and then stir it. If colour of solution changes to brown, it indicates the presence of organic impurities.
  • The colour of sand will indicate the purity of sand. The size and sharpness of grains may be examined by touching and observing visually.
  • Take a little quantity of sand and taste it. If tasted salty then there exist some salt in sand.
  • Take some quantity of sand and rub it against the fingers. If fingers are stained, it indicates that sand contains earthy matter.

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3. What is the unit weight of sand and aggregate?

  • SAND = 1500-1650 Kg/m3
  • AGGREGATE = 1500-1550 Kg/m3

4. What is the clear cover for Footings, Beam, column, Slab?

  • FOOTINGS = 50 mm.
  • BEAM = 25 mm.
  • COLUMN = 40 mm.
  • SLAB = 15 mm.

5. What is Ductility?

  • The ability to deform under tensile stress is called Ductility.

6. What is height of each floor?

  • 3 Meter ( floor to floor)

7. What is the crack length of slab?

  • The crack length of slab is 0.42D
  • Where D = (Depth of the slab- top cover - bottom cover)

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