Top 7 civil engineering interview questions and answers for freshers


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1. What are the types of Slump?

  • TRUE SLUMP- For the true slump concrete just subsides shortly and more or less maintain the mould shape. This type of slump is most desirable.

  • SHEAR SLUMP- When one of the concrete mass slide down the other is called the shear slump. This is happen in lean concrete mix.
  • COLLAPSE SLUMP- When the slump is collapsed due to adding more water, that is known as collapsed slump.
  • ZERO SLUMP- For very stiff or dry mixes,that does not show any changes in slump after removing the slump cone.
Image result for types of slump
                                                    TYPES OF SLUMP

2. What is the length of Rise and Trade in stair case?

  • RISE = 150 mm to 200 mm.
  • TRADE = 250 mm to 300 mm.

3. What is the slope of staircase?

  • As per IS-456, Slope or pitch of staircase should be 25 degree to 40 degree.

4. What is Honeycomb in concrete?

  • Honeycomb refers to voids in concrete caused by the mortar not filling the space between the course aggregate particles and this is happen due to overcrowding of reinforcement.

5. What do you mean by Moment of Inertia ?

  • This is the expression of a body's tendency to resist angular acceleration, which is sum of product of the mass of each particle in the body whit the square of it's distance from the axis of rotation.

6. What is Grouting?

  • Grout is a fluid form of concrete which used to fill voids.
                        Related image
                                      CONCRETE GROUTING

7. 1 BHK means.

  • 1 BHK = 1 bedroom, 1 hall, 1 Kitchen.

To continue to rest parts of "CIVIL ENGINEERING INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR FRESHERS " CLICK  HERE- Part 1,Part 2,Part 3,  Part 5, Part 6.

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