Most Important Interview Questions for Civil Engineers


1.what are the steps involved in concreting process, explain.

The process of measuring different concrete materials such as cement, coarse aggregate, sand, water for the making of concrete is known as batching. ( Measurement of materials.)

  • MIXING- 
        In this process, all the materials are thoroughly mixed in required proportions until the paste shows uniform color and consistency. Hand mixing and machine mixing are the two different methods of mixing( Dry Mixing and Wet Mixing).
         After the mixing is done properly the freshly made concrete is then transported to the    construction site, this process is known as transportation. After that, the concrete is              correctly placed on the formworks. Concrete can be transported to the site location in            two ways.
           Manual Transportation and Mechanical Transportation.

This is the process in which the air bubbles are eliminated from the freshly placed concrete. It is required to increase the ultimate strength of concrete by enhancing the bond with reinforcement.
  • CURING- 
This is the process in which the concrete keeps its moisture for a certain time period to complete the hydration process. Curing should be done properly to increase the strength of concrete.

                                          BATCHING PLANT

2. Explain, the methods of curing.

 Sprinkling of water continuously on the concrete surface provides an efficient curing. It is mostly used for curing floor slabs. The concrete should be allowed to set sufficiently before sprinkling is started. The spray can be obtained from a perforated plastic box. On small jobs sprinkling of water may be done by hand.This is also used on walls and columns.
  This is suitable for curing horizontal surfaces such as floors, roof slabs, road and air field pavements. The horizontal top surfaces of beams can also be ponded. After placing the concrete, its exposed surface is first covered with moist hessian or canvas. After 24 hours, these covers are removed and small ponds of clay or sand are built across and along the pavements. The area is thus divided into a number of rectangles.
 This is a very much used method of curing, particularly for structural concrete. Thus exposed surface of concrete is prevented from drying out by covering it with hessian, canvas or empty cement bags. The covering over vertical and sloping surfaces should be secured properly. These are periodically wetted. The interval of wetting will depend upon the rate of evaporation of water.
This methods can best be used in pre cast concrete work. In steam curing the temperature of steam should be restricted to a maximum of 75 degree C.      
Generally, calcium chloride can be applied on curing surface.

                                                         CURING PROCESS

3. Size of the plaster.

  • INNER WALL-  12 mm ( avg.)
  • SELLING PLASTER-  6-8 mm (avg.)
  • OUTER WALL- 14-16 mm (avg.)

4. Types of Mortar.

  • Lime+ Surkhi + Water
  • Lime+ Sand+Water
  • Cement+Sand+Water

5. What is the density of Steel?

  • 7850 Kg/m3 = 78.9 Kn/m3

6. Nominal mix proportion of M5 and M7.5 concrete.

  • M5  = 1:5:10
  • M7.5 = 1:4:8
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