Necessary Things That Need To Be Known From IS 456:2000

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IS 456:2000 ( Part 1)

1Modulus Elasticity of Steel can be taken as 200 KN/m2 ( Refer to clause 5.6.3 of IS 456:2000)

2. Modulus elasticity of concrete taken as Ec = 5000√fck
  Where, fck is Characteristic compressive strength of concrete in 28 days.(Refer to the  clause  6.2.1 of IS 456:200)
3.We can know about the workability of concrete form slump test.

    Workability of Concrete            Degree of  workability                 Slump(mm)
  •    Shallow Section                                         Very low                                < 25

  • Mass  concrete,Hand Placed                       Low                                     25-75 
        Pavement,Canal lining, Strip Footing.   
  • Heavy  reinforcement section  in slabs,        Medium                      50-100
        beams, walls, columns etc.
  • Trench fill, In situ-piling.                               High                                100-150

  • Tremic concrete                                              Very High                               >150
                                     SLUMP TEST FOR WORKABILITY OF CONCRETE

4. Permissible limit of Solids in water used in concrete
  •   Organic- 200 mg/L.
  •   Inorganic- 3000 mg/L.
  •   Sulphate- 400 mg/L.
  •   Chlorides- 2000 mg/L.
  •   Suspended Matter- 2000 mg/L.

5. Spacer or chairs should be place at maximum Spacing of 1 Meter
 ( Clause 12.3.2  page no 26).
                                                         PLASTIC SPACER

6. Lap slices shall not be less than 200 mm in diameter. ( clause 14.2.4a  page no 28)

7.  The diameter of reinforceing bars shall not exceed one eight of total           thickness of slab( clause 26.5.2 page no 45).

8.  Main bar column shall not be less than 12 mm in diameter( clause page no 48).

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