Water Content,Void Ratio,Porosity,Degree Of Saturation And Important Relationships


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1. Water Content(w)- The ratio of weight of water(Ww) and weight of solid(Ws) in soil is called water content. w= (Ww/Ws) ; Where w less than equal to 0.

2. Void Ratio(e)- The ratio of  volume of void(Vv) and volume of solid(Vs) in soil is called void ratio.
    e = (Vv/Vs) ; e> 0

3. Porosity(n)- The ratio of volume of void(Vv) and total volume of solid in soil is called Porosity.
     n = (Vv/V)*100 ;  0<n<100

4. Degree of Saturation- The ratio of volume of water(Vw) and volume of void(Vv) in soil is called Degree of Saturation(S). S= (Vw/Vs)* 100 ; 0 less than equal to degree of saturation less than equal to 100.

                                                          COMPONENT OF SOIL

5. Dry Densityd)- This is the dry mass of soil per unit volume.
   ρd =(Ws/V) ;Ws= Weight of solid, V= Total volume of soil.

6. Specific Gravity(G)= This is defined as the ratio of the weight of an equal volume of distilled water at that temperature both weights taken in air. G= ρd/ ρw.


1. Dry density(ρd) = ρ/(1 + w)= (Ws/V);  ρ = Density of soil, w= water content, Ws= Weight os      solid in soil.

2. Porosity(n) = e/(1+e); e = void ratio.

3. Void Ratio = n/( 1+n); n= porosity.

4. Se=Gw ; S= Degree of saturation, e= void ratio, w= water content, G = Specific Gravity.

5. Bulk Density( ρ) = G*ρw*(1 + w)/(1+e) = (G+ Se)*ρw/(1+e); ρw= Density of water.

6.  Saturated unit weight, γsat =(G+e)*ρw/(1+e); 

7. Dry density(ρd) = G*ρw/ (1+e);

8. Submerged Unit Weight(γ´)= (G-1)*ρw/( 1+ e)= (1/2)* γsat ;

*Degree of saturation(S) is zero for fully saturated soil, S= 100%

%finer= (weight of soil retained on that sieve/ total weight of soil taken)* 100%

  • Stoke's law
Terminal velocity, V = g*(ρs-ρw)*D^2/18µ.
ρs= Density of grains,
ρw= Density of water,
µ= Velocity of water,
D= diameter of grain.

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