What is Water Pollution?-Causes of Water Pollution


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  • What is water Pollution?
Water pollution is the presence of undesirable matters in water such as organic, inorganic, biological, radiological, heat,which reduce the quality of water so that it becomes unfit for use for human beings.
What is Water Pollution?-Causes of Water Pollution
Causes of Water Pollution 
  • Cause of Water Pollution 
There are mainly two types of reason behind water pollution. The 1st one is man made reason and 2nd one is Natural source. The most effectively reason is man made reason which is happens by human activities such as industrial, domestic and agricultural.Natural sources of water pollution are decaying of organic matters,soil erosion,leaching of mineral from rocks.

  1. Water Pollution by Human activities 
  • Sewage water 
It is the mixture of liquid waste and water, originated from different activity in the water.It is generated due to domestic activity it is termed as domestic sewage and if it is generated due to industrial activity it is termed as industrial sewage and if it is generated after heavy rainfall it is termed as drainage or runoff. These are include with house, commercial and industrial establishment connected to public sewage system.The sewage contains domestic,human, food residues, human and animal excreta.When hospital and domestic sewage contain many undesirable pathogenic microorganisms disposal into water without proper treatment then it's create water pollution. Domestic and industrial sewage termed as sanitary sewage.

  • Industrial Waste
The waste is generated due to industrial activity it is termed as industrial sewage.Industrial sewage contains with organic and inorganic pollutants which is very toxic to the living beings. The waste water is discharge from industries like chemical manufacturing, paper manufacturing, petroleum industries, metal processing etc. The water of the industries directly discharge to the river without proper treatment.Some heavy metals and compound such as chromium, copper, which are toxic may find their way into municipal sewage through industrial discharge.Determination of these assume importance if such waste is to be created by biological process or disposed in stream or on land.

Observation of sewage is useful in indicating the solubility of oxygen which effects the oxygen transfer capacity of aeration equipments and rate of biological activity. The average temperature of sewage in India is 20 degree.Temperature increase 10 degree, the biological activity will increase double. 

  • Agricultural Waste
Agriculture is the cultivation of land and geniture of animal and plants.It can lead to a number of environmental and health hazards.Some of the agricultural activities causes change in the condition of environmental. Agricultural runoff contains dissolved salt like as nitrates, chloride, toxic metals, organic compounds.Use of fertilizer contains major part nutrients such as potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen. These can mixes to the rivers, ponds,seas etc. Use of pesticides is very harmful to the environmental. It contains chemical such as hydrocarbon, metal salts, carbonates etc. Some of the pesticides are non degradable.Nitrate above 45 ppm causes blue baby disease. 

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