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1. What is the method to calculate population in old cities?Ans. Arithmetic Increase Method.
2. What is the method to calculate population in New cities?
Ans. Geometric Increase Method.

3. What is the major effect of excess of sodium metal in human body?
Ans. Excess of sodium metal creates Cardiac and Kidney problem.
4. Zero harness of water is achieved by which method?
a) lime soda process b) excess lime treatment
c) ion exchange treatment d) excess alum and lime.
Ans. c) ion exchange treatment
5. Most of the turbidity meters work on the scattering principle.The turbidity value, so obtained is express in-
a) CFU b) FTU c) JTU d) NTU
Ans. c) JTU is based on the scattering principle and FTU is based on the absorption principle.
6. What is the major effect of excess of copper metal in human body ?
Ans. That's affect on respiratory organs.
7. What is the permissible limit of iron and manganese in drinking water?
Ans. 0.1 to 1.0 mg/l for iron and 0.05 to 0.5 mg/l for manganese.
8. Which Bacteria causes Typhoid fever?
Ans. Salmonella Typhi.
9. What is sewage?
Ans. It is the mixture of liquid waste and water, originated due to different activity in the water compunity. When, it is generated by domestic activity then it is called domestic sewage.
10. What is sullage?
Ans. This is the waste water from household sinks, showers and baths but not waste liquid from toilets.
11. What is Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)?
Ans. The amount of O2 required to carry out the decomposition of biodegradable Organic matter present in the system is termed as Biochemical Oxygen Demand(BOD).
12. What is Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)?
Ans. The total amount of oxygen read to carry out the decomposition( both boi and non boi) organic matter present in the system is called Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD).
13. What is the BOD of tap water?
Ans. Tap water BOD is less than 0.05 per day.
14. What is the BOD of surface water?
Ans. For surface water, BOD range is 0.05 to 0.1 per day.
15. What is Biological Treatment?
Ans. The removal of organic matter from the waste water by the action of micro organism in the presence or absence of oxygen.
16. What is the contact mechanism and type of decomposition for Trickling Fillter?
Ans. Contact Mechanism- Attached, type of decomposition- Aerobic.
17. What is the treatment device for Screening?
Ans. Bar racks and screens of various description.
18. Which device helps to remove inorganic suspended solids?
Ans. Grit Chamber.

19.Which of the following air pollutants is not present in automobile exhaust?
a) NOx b) PAN c) CO2 d) CO
Ans. b) PAN
20. Which is the major pollutant present in photochemical smog?
Ans. PAN.
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