What is irrigation?, Classification of soil water, Saturation capacity, Field capacity, Permanent wilting Point


What is irrigation?

The process of unnatural is supplying water to soil for rising crops is called irrigation.It includes the engineering of controlling and harnessing the various Natural sources of water.Which id done the construction of dams canals and finally distributing the water to the agricultural fields.The irrigation is required where the rainfall is very low and the commercial crops required more water. It is also required where the rainfall is non uniform.
What is irrigation?, Classification of soil water, Saturation capacity, Field capacity, Permanent wilting Point

Types of Irrigation-

The irrigation divided into following two types:
(i) lift irrigation.
(ii) surface irrigation or flow irrigation.
Lift irrigation-
This is the part of water which exist in the porous space ofthe method of irrigation the agricultural land by lifting water from the available at lower level, is known as lift irrigation. The water for lift irrigation generally comes from open wells and deep weels.
Surface irrigation or flow irrigation-
So, The method of irrigation in which water is supplied directive to soil surface from a channel located at Higher live elevation of the field, which is known as surface irrigation or flow irrigation.

Classification of soil water

When the water is spread over the soil by either irrigation or by rainfall then the water is absorbed by the soil. And this water is termed as soil water.Here, There are many types of soil water-
1. Capillary water- this is the part of water which exist in the porous space of the soil by molecular attraction is known as capillary water. This water is mainly useful for the growth of plants.
2. Gravitational water- a part of water which will move out of soil. Improper drainage is provided is known as gravitational water. This water is not useful for the growth of plants and it cannot be observed by the route zone.
3. Hydroscopic water- when an oven dried sample of soil is kept in open in the atmosphere. After that, it observe some amount of water.Here, the water is known as hydroscopic water and this water cannot absorbed by roots of plants.
What is irrigation?, Classification of soil water, Saturation capacity, Field capacity, Permanent wilting Point

 Important terms used in irrigation

1. Saturation capacity- the amount of water required to fill up the four space in soil particles by replacing the all air happen in pore space, is known as saturation capacity or total capacity.
2. Field capacity- the moisture content of soil, after free drainage has removed most of the gravity water which is known as field capacity.
3. Permanent wilting Point- the water content at which plants can no longer extract sufficient water from the soil for growth, is known as permanent wilting point.
4. Available moisture- the difference in water content between field capacity and permanent wilting point is known as available moisture.
5. Kor watering- the first watering given to the crop when it has grown few centimetre is called kor watering.
What is irrigation?, Classification of soil water, Saturation capacity, Field capacity, Permanent wilting Point

6. Paleo- the first watering before sowing the crop is called paleo.
7. Root zone depth- the maximum depth in soils strata, in which the crop spreadsheet is root system and derives water from the soil is called root zone depth.
8. Crop ratio- the ratio of the area of two main crop season (kharif and Rabi) is known as crop ratio.
9. Intensity of irrigation- the ratio of cultivated land for a particular crop to the total culturable common area is called intensity of irrigation.
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Arya Steve
August 5, 2019 at 6:44 AM ×

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Sindh Irrigated Agriculture Progress

Congrats bro Arya Steve you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...