Basic of Engineering Mechanics - Forces

Engineering Mechanics

Engineering mechanics is the branch of engineering science which deals with the principle of mechanics along with their application to engineering problems. It is mainly divided into two groups- 

Statics and dynamics. 

A. Statics- static is the branch of engineering mechanics which deals with the force and their effects when it is at rest. 

B. Dynamics- dynamics is the branch of engineering mechanics which deals with the force and their effects while acting upon the body is in motion.Here, it is mainly divided into following two branches- 
a. Kinetics  and  b. Kinematics
Kinetics- So,kinetic is the branch of dynamics which deals with the bodies in motion due to the application of forces. 

Kinematics- Here, kinematics is that branch of dynamics which deals with the bodies in motion without taking into account the forces. Therefore,which is responsible for the motion.

Force may be defined as an agent which produce tends to produce, destroy or tends to destroy the motion of body.So, a force while acting on a body maybe many types.these are- 
It change the motion of body and and retard the motion of a body. 
It also give rise to the internal stress in a body and balance the force already acting on a body. 
Basic of Engineering Mechanics - Forces

Units of Force 

In SI system of unit the force is expressed in Newtons(N). 
In M.K.S system the unit of force is expressed in kilogram force(kgf). 
Here, 1 kgf = 9.81 N 

Resultant Forces 

It is a single force which produce the same effect as produced by all the given forces acting on a body. Therefore, resultant forces determined by 3 law of forces which is very important. 
1. Parallelogram law of Forces- where two forces acting simultaneously on a particle, we represent in magnitude and direction buy two adjacent slide of a parallelogram then they are Diesel And may be represented in magnitude and direction by the diagonal of parallelogram which passes through their point of intersection. 

2. Triangle Law of Forces- where two forces acting simultaneously on a particle, be represented in magnitude and direction by two sides of triangle taken in order, then they are resonant maybe represent in magnitude and direction by third side of the triangle taken in opposite order. 

3. Polygon Law of Forces- Where a number of force acting simultaneously on a particle be present in magnitude and direction by slide of a polygon taken in order.Then, their resultant is represent in magnitude and direction by closing side of the polygon in opposite order. 

System of force

When two or more than two forces act on the body, they are said to form a system of force. There are many types of system of force- 
1. Coplaner Forces- the lines of action of the forces lie on the same plane are known as coplaner forces. 

2. Concurrent Forces- Which forces are meet at one point, are known as concurrent force.

3. Coplaner concurrent force- the forces which meet at one point and their lines of action also lie on the same plane, which are called coplaner concurrent forces. 

4. Coplaner non-concurrent forces- the forces are do not meet at the one. But they are lions action lie on the same plane, are c known as coplaner non-concurrent forces.

5. Non-coplaner concurrent forces- the forces are meet at one point lines of action do not lie on the same plane are known as non-coplaner concurrent forces. 

6. Non-coplaner non-concurrent forces- the forces are do not meet at one point and their lines of actions do not lie on the same plane are called non-coplaner non-concurrent forces.

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