Size of Bricks | Bricks Masonry | Stretcher | Header | Queen Closer | Frog | Every Parts about Bricks

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  • Size of Bricks-

According to Indian Standards, the nominal size of brick of the modular brick is 200 mm * 1000 mm * 100 mm and the actual size of the brick is 190 mm * 90 mm * 90 mm.The nominal size includes the mortar thickness. 

Size of Bricks | Bricks Masonry | Stretcher | Header | Queen Closer | Frog | Every Parts about Bricks

  • Bricks Masonry-
 The arrangement of laying bricks and bonding them with mortar properly to form a unified mass which can transmit the super imposed load safely to the foundation, is called brick masonry.
There are some important terms used in brick masonry are as follow-

Stretcher- the longest face of a brick as seen in the elevation of the wall is called stretcher.
Header- the shortest face of a brick as seen in the elevation off the wall is called header.
Arrise- the edges formed by the intersection of plane surface of brick are called arrise.
Bed- the lower surface ok brick when it laid flat is known as bed.
Perpend- an imaginary vertical line which includes the vertical joint separating two adjoining bricks is called perpend.
Lap- the horizontal distance between vertical joints of successive course is termed as lap.
Closer- a portion of a brick is used to close up the bond at the end of the brick courses is called closer.
Queen closer- it is the portion of a brick adjoining by cutting a brick lengthwise into two portion. That means, it is brick which is half as Wide as full brick.
King closer- it is the portion of a brick which is so cat that the width of its one end is half that of a full brick, while the width of other end is equal to the full width.
Bevelled closer- this is the portion of a brick obtained by cutting the brick in such a way that half width is maintained at one end and full width at other end.
Mitred Closer- it is the portion of a brick through its weight and making angle of 40 degree and 60 degree width the length of brick.
Bat- the portion of the brick cut across the width is called bat.
Bull nose- a brick moulded with a rounded angle is called bill nose.
Quoin- the corner for external angle of the face side of wall known as quion.
Frog- the indentation or depression at the top face of a brick to form a key for holding the motor is called frog.
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