Extrawidening-Grade Compensation-Transition Curves, Summit Curve and Valley Curve of Highway


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Additional width of a carriageway that is required on horizontal curve is referred as extrawidening. The rear wheels follow the inner path on the curve as compared with the front wheels. This phenomena is called off tracking.
Extrawidening-Grade Compensation-Transition Curves, Summit Curve and Valley Curve of Highway

  • The reason to provide extrawidening are-
(i) To counteract transverse skidding.
(ii) To avoid over tracking due to rigidity of wheelbase.
(iii) To increase the visibility of curves.
(iv) To encounter psychological tendency while over tracking operation.

Extrawidening split up into two parts-
(i) Mechanical widening(Wm)- It is provided due to the rigidity of wheel base, when a vehicle travels on a horizontal curve, only front wheel can be controlled and the rear wheels does not follow the same path as front wheel.

  • Mechanical widening(Wm) = nl^2/2R     ( If a road has n lanes, R= Radius of curve, l = length of the wheel base)
(ii) Psychological widening(Wps)- There is a tendency for drivers to drive closer to the edges of the pavements on curves. So, psychological widening is also required to provided.  

  • Psychological widening(Wps) = V/ 9.5√R ( where v = speed of the vehicle kmph)
So, total Extrawidening(We)= Wm + Wps
                                               = (nl^2/ 2R + V/ 9.5√R)  m.

  • Grade compensation at curves on hill roads-
Grade compensation as taken as minimum of (30 + R)/R % or 75/R % , where R is the radius of curve. 
Compensated gradient = Gradient - Grade compensation.


Transition Curves- 
When a vehicle traveling on a straight road enters into a horizontal curve instantaneously, it will cause discomfort to the driver.It is required to provide a transition curve to avoid this.
Extrawidening-Grade Compensation-Transition Curves, Summit Curve and Valley Curve of Highway 
Transition Curves

The objectives of providing a transition curves are-
(i) To gradually introduce the centrifugal force between straight amd circular curves.
(ii) To avoid the certain jerk.
(iii) To gradually introduce superelevation and extra widening.
(iv) To enable the driver turn the steerinng gradually for comfort and security.
(v) To improve aesthetic appearence.

Vertical Curve-
Vertical curves are provided at the intersections of different grades to smoothen the vertical profile. 
The vertical curves used in highway are two types-
1. Summit Curve-
A summit curve is a vertical curve with convexity upward or concavity downward .This occur when an ascending gradient intersects a descending gradient or when a ascending gradient meets another ascending gradient  or an ascending gradient meets a horizontal or when a descending gradient gradient meets an another descending gradient.
Extrawidening-Grade Compensation-Transition Curves, Summit Curve and Valley Curve of Highway

                                   Length of the summit curve

  • Case 1-
When length of the curve exceeds the required sight distance i.e, L> S.
Here, L is the length of the curve and S is the sight distance.
Then length of the summit curve is given as,
L = NS^2/2( √H + √h)
Where H is the height of eye of driver from road surface and h is the height of object above pavement surface.
For SSD,   H= 1.2 m , h = 0.15 m
L = (NS^2/ 4.4) m
For ISD/OSD, H = 1.2 m, h = 1.2 m.
L = (NS^2/ 9.6) m.

  • Case 2-
When, L< S.
Then length of the summit curve is given as,
L = 2S - 2( √H + √h)^2/N
For SSD,       L = 2S - (4.4/N )  m

For ISD/OSD,     L = 2S - ( 9.6/N) m

2. Valley Curve or Sag Curve-
A valley curve is a vertical curve with concavity upward or convexity downward.

This formed when a descending gradient intersects an ascending gradient or when a descending gradient meets another descending gradient or when a descending gradient joint a horizontal path or when a ascending gradient meets an ascending gradient.
Extrawidening-Grade Compensation-Transition Curves, Summit Curve and Valley Curve of Highway

  • Length of the Valley Curve-
(i) Based on comfort condition-
Length of the valley curve, Ls = 2√(NV^3/C)

(ii) Based on Headlight Sight Distance-
  • Case 1
When length of the valley curve is more than the head light sight distance (Lv> HSD/SSD)
Let h is the height of the headlight above the road surface and S is the headlight sight distance.

The length of the valley curve , if beam angle is Î± is given by
                                 Lv = NS^2/(2h + 2Stanα) m.
If, h = 0.75 m , Î± = 1
                                 Lv = NS^2/(1.5 + 0.035S) m
  • Case 2
When length of the valley curve is less than the head light sight distance (Lv< HSD/SSD)
The length of the valley curve, Lv = 2S - (2h + 2Stanα)/N   m
                                             Lv = 2S - ( 1.5 + 0.035s)/N    m

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