Definition of Environmental And Environmental Engineering -Water quality

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The all surroundings living things,sum of living organism and many more natural forces, which provides many good as well as bad conditions.This is called environmental.
Definition of Environmental And Environmental Engineering -Water quality
 Environmental And Environmental Engineering 

    Environmental Engineering is a part of engineering which deals with the application of engineering and scientific principle of protection of Human pollution or protection of environment.This is very helpful for environmental because the pollution is increasing day by day.
    Water quality is refers to the chemical, physical, biological characteristics of water. 97% of total water supply is contained in the oceans and other saline bodies of water.
    Definition of Environmental And Environmental Engineering -Water quality
    • Types of Solids in Water
    1. Suspended solid- 10^-1  to 10^-3 mm size.
    2. Colloidal solid-    10^-3 to 10^-6 mm size.
    3. Dissolved solid-   <10^-6 mm size.
    Dissolved solid = Total solid - Suspended solid
    Permissible Limit of total solid in drinking water is equal to 500 ppm.
    Permissible limit of Suspended solid in drinking water is equal to 30 mg/l.
    • Turbidity- The water becomes turbid due to presence of suspended solid.
    Measurement of turbidity is done by Turbidity Rod and Jackson's Turbidity Meter.
    Permissible limit of turbidity in drinking water is 5 to 10 ppm.
    • Colour- measurement of colour is done by Tintometer Method.
    Permissible limit of turbidity in drinking water is  5 ppm.
    • Taster and odour- Measured by Threshold Odour Number.
    As per EPA guidelines, a maximum TON is 3 for public health service.
    • Temperature- The increase of temperature decrease acceptable to taste ideal temperature of water for drinking purpose is 5 to 12°C , above 25°C is not recommended.
    • pH- The pH value donates acidic or alkaline condition of water. The recommended pH range for treated water is 6.5 to 8.5. 
    • Hardness- If water produces excessive soap to produce lather, it is said to be  hard.Hardness is caused by divalent metallic ion.
           Permissible limit of hardness in drinking water is 200 mg/l.

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